It's a way to see if your friend is awake by saying it backward to annoy them.
Person 1: good morning!
Person 2: *doesn't respond*
Person 1: ?ekawa ouy
Person 2: ugh yeah I'm awake
by the_one_rat June 10, 2020
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A badass bitch who doesn’t take shit from no one.
‘That’s ouissaid Theresa
by Dendendennn November 28, 2020
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A dumb bitch who is a whore on crack and has 30 guys who asks her for nudes daily. Loves her girls though and would do anything for them
Do you see that Ouis there?
Yeah she is probably on her way to boyfriend #16’s house
by Idontknowatthispoint May 30, 2020
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Your life is pointless, nobody likes you. However, you have a great body
Would you ever be an ouis?

Being an ouis sounds fun
by Jules Linston June 5, 2020
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nicki minaj's favorite word, also used when someone is confused in french
by paintedcruise April 20, 2021
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