To masturbate vigourously; to pull ones pudding, bash the bishop, help Kojak put on his polo neck sweater, choke the chicken, load the single barrelled yoghurt launcher, or knock one out!
"That new girl in Accounts gave me one off the top in the back of the cab last night! It was superb!"
by RTR. September 4, 2008
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When a man ejaculates
"Man I would love to break one off in that chick!"

"If anyone needs me I will be in the bathroom breaking one off."
by Dekman August 26, 2006
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To have sex or at least reach orgasm in a restricted amount of time.
When I wake up in the morning the gf and me knock one off before I go to work.
by gerf June 5, 2004
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a) To rage incredibly hard.
b) To party with uncontrollable passion.
"Why didn't Evan come into work today?" said co-worker #1.

"He tore one off last night and ended up in jail." said co-worker #2.
by evanism January 28, 2005
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Every night before i sleep i lie in bed and snap one off. It's the best way to get to sleep.
by Willie85 May 23, 2008
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1)v. to mastrubate
2)v. to eliminate opposistion
1) "Damn, I got hard and had to rub one off!"
2) "Rub one off, he died today."
by Jack B. Nimble December 17, 2002
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