what happes when you step into a puddle and say whatever comes out of pure abstract thinking.
OH! fuck niggles i just stepped into a huge puddle
by The chosen ones ambassador January 18, 2004
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Niggling depression
Severe depression that takes over your whole life making unbearable to carry out basic daily tasks.
Mom- "Can you take your nigga out?"

You- "I can't, I have niggling depression."
by BlackNiggasBrotherhood August 3, 2017
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when a black guy watches porn to the point where he cums in his pants and leaves a large white stain on there pants and underwear
Mike: yo Jamal whats that white spot on your pants there?
Jamal: oh crap must have niggle dribbled a little last night.
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this only works if you have the ability to wiggle your nose.

the act of sticking your nose inside of a female's vagina and proceeding to wiggle it.
Chris: man, me and Emily were getting SO kinky last night. she let me bore niggle her!

Friend: get some!

Emily: Yeah, everything was going great...and then he bored niggled me...

Friend: wow. i didn't even know he could wiggle his nose...
by twerdyy May 12, 2010
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verb. A request to hang out or spend time with someone.
Hey, Eric. Just give me a text and I'll come niggle with you.

Kim and Zach niggled with Marty the other day
by The Great November 22nd December 3, 2013
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When you cant stop laughing at a black comedian.
yo man i saw dave chapelle last nite i could NOT stop gig niggling at the fool
by hooptyhoopty September 7, 2010
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A book that any white guy or girl is allowed to write the most racist remarks to the black genders, lol
Got something racist, write it in the Niggles Book
by ADHJWZ November 19, 2019
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