Ajit Pai's idea to completely ruin the internet.
It will be $5 to read the full version of this definition. Call your internet service provider to access the full definition. You will most likely have an indian pick up your phone. He is Ajit Pai's brother. Good luck in trying to get full access to this definition!
Ajit Pie: Net nuetrality is spelled this way because I feel like making it spelled this way.
by SliceofJesus December 15, 2017
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A piece of software used by parents to keep their kids from going places they don't want them to go. Can be easily bypassed through use of a proxy.
by me April 8, 2004
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A large online community of furries (and others but mostly furries) that contains SFW art and tonnes of NSFW art.
Guy 1: Yo, did you check my post on E621.net yesterday?
Guy 2: Yeh, cool man.
by lyricalpaws July 31, 2016
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A derogatory term used to describe the deckhands on New England fishing vessels.
Ah man, my sister keeps hanging around the shipyard. I think shes fucking one of the Net Niggers.

Matt - " Hey Dave, Lucas used to be a crab fisherman."
Dave - " Lucas was a Net Nigger!"
by County B April 19, 2013
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The place you go when you have been surfing the internet mindlessly for too long and lose track of time or what you are doing.

Similar to being in a k hole, can be hard to come out of but can usually be resolved by pursuing normal activities such as socialising at the pub (also known as "having a life").
"man, I was net hole'in so hard the other night till you guys came over cracked open the beers"
by lkewis November 15, 2007
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The thin layer of fabric providing a gentle resting ground for any escaped product of the ane, and protecting a seemingly sexy girl who likes to go commando with a last defense from an otherwise very embarrassing situation.
Girl1: I cant believe you ate all that chili tonight before you came to the club!

Girl2: OMG I know! And when I got low with that really cute guy just now on the dance floor I totally sharted!

Girl1: Oh. My. God. Shuuut. Up!

Girl2: I know! Fortunately I was wearing my shart net. I'll just commando for the rest of the night...he'll never know!

Girl1: You are sooo funny!
by GR-44 August 15, 2015
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The Process of Farting under a cover and then tossing the blanket on someone next to you
Kyle was being a Jew so Eric Gave him a Cyrax Net.
by ~Howie~ June 14, 2010
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