The excretion of semen into a woman's anus. Followed by the action of said woman flatulating excreted semen into a foamy pie like consistency, on her anus.
Moon pie.
Gave that bitch a moon pie last night.
by Durtybreh October 7, 2017
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When performing sex lick the accumulation female discharge out of a women anus.
When I got done having sex with her I bent her over and ate that delicious moon pie from in between her buttocks.
by 3forlife February 24, 2020
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When Someone Is Doing A Bench Press And The Person Spotting Sits(Bare Butt) On Their Face.
“There’s Chad, Let’s Moon Pie Him.”
by GymbodJoe May 18, 2022
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An expression used whenever you don’t know how to respond to a situation.
Luke: Yeah nine people died at the FedEx shooting in Indianapolis.
Camden: Oh my god that’s so sad.

Jackson: MOON PIE
by Kaley_the_quiet_girl April 20, 2021
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Similar to a cream pie, however in this variation, the last possible moment before ejaculation occurs, you strike your partner with such force that it causes them to see stars
I gave her the old moon pie last night so hard that it almost put her in the hospital.
by jhawk2000 August 10, 2020
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When a male and another male are having sexual intercourse, and one or both of them ejaculate into the other's rectum. On certain occasions, when the man's ejaculate volume is large enough, it causes the rectum to overflow. In other words, a gay cream pie.
John, this was the biggest moon pie yet.
by Charles6969 December 4, 2022
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noun. Available mainly in San Francisco and Key West, the Moon Pie is the act of a man ejaculating into another party(ies) asshole, where it is then followed by the said offender consuming his own seminal fluid from one or more filled, rectums. Also, can come in the Lemon Cream variety, where urine is added to the cream filling.
Paul's in the hospital getting his stomach pumped. Apparently, he had too much Moon Pie last night.
by Moonpie Paul ;) November 28, 2018
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