Derived from "Stewart Jew", the rhyming slang for "spew"
"That shot of Wild Turkey isn't sitting well....I'M GONNA MEW!"
by Dignified Clown April 6, 2008
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When you vomit gently on to a persons chest while masturbating.
I walked in on Tom in the cellar and he was doing a jason mewes with Frank.
by BChewalski March 2, 2013
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One of the most hottest guys to exist on the earth.Honestly,like,he’s so hot it hurts me and my well-being.Standards are now too high.Thanks.
Heyyy,I heard you like me!”-Random boy
Erm,HA,no...I like Mew Suppasit.”-You
by Earthmix_daughter8 December 22, 2020
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When your cat fills you in on all the wildly interesting things that have happened.
I walked into the house and got an ear full of mews news before I could even sit down.
by Dr Bunnygirl April 6, 2019
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A farning gehrr face who commonly uses the smiley face >:O to express itself; a philosophy on life.
That mew is sooooooo damned wild
by Mewgle June 23, 2003
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Similar to New York, but filled with Pokémon lovers

Or could be mew's location for weeks to find out
Ed, Ever went to Mew York?
Bob: Nah, too many poke yer moms weebs in there
by TheTroll73_[Ezman] May 15, 2017
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Mythical Mew is a owner for the discord server Kritter Krew, he has admitted several times how much he loves Kritter. All of Kritter's fans are waiting for them to get married UwU
"Kritter x Mythical Mew"
-baconbits55, Skillz, and LexieTheMudkip
by Chief Walrus August 10, 2020
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