Exceptionally wide hips, prone to extensive baby making.
Damn JESS! You have some extra wide "litter hips".
by johnaconda August 2, 2009
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the pubic hairs of an unshaven vagina
I wanted to go down but there was way too much clit litter.
by its420in702247365 January 17, 2008
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The mess of glitter, smeared make-up, shame, and coconut scent left behind by a stripper after a lap dance.
I went home after a wild night, and my wife bitched about all the titty litter on my face.
by ricklesspi November 9, 2013
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n. ; multiple pieces of feces at least 2.5 courics a piece accumulated in one sitting.
"Man, I just gave birth to a litter of kittens in your upstairs restroom. My bad, nyuggah."
by Bradd A. Jones March 12, 2009
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vaginal paste found in the liner of womens' undergarments (and sometimes pants if produced in mass amounts) aquired at points of climatic pleasure or just from nasty hoes that do not correctly clean their monkeys or garments.
Is that clitty litter or are you just happy to see me?
by quimmy boy November 4, 2002
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Clitty litter is what ends up in the crotch of a woman's panties. It consists of dried semen, vaginal secretions, and any other material the woman may be shedding from her uterine and vaginal lining. It can also consist of bits of toilet paper, and if the woman is very unclean, bits of fecal matter, also known as shit. A dingleberry may detach from the hair around the woman's anus, and this too may end up becoming clitty litter.
Clitty litter can be white, red, green, or even brown. This depends on the recent activity of the woman, and her attention to personal hygiene. Check the woman's panties for skid marks!
I was going to go down on that bitch, but that good-looking pussy smelled of ass. Being sneaky, I checked her panties, and found the vented cotton panel to be soaked with dried clitty litter. I then directed me to give me a blow job.

Example two: My girlfriend just got out of the shower, so there was little chance of encountering any nasty clitty litter.
by Rook's Buddy May 8, 2010
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n. Manly street term for beach volleyball, which is a fluff "sport" played in an inordinately large sand pit.

Whoa, six o'clock! We totally have to scoot if we are going to catch the boxing.

Cage fighting! I love that: crushed lips and death grips!

Actually I meant the litter boxing.

Ah, well, that can be good too. Let me just get a book first.
by gnostic1 August 5, 2012
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