When your gf gets mad at you during the seggsy time and decides to chop off your cock, cook it and consume it, stripping you of the power to ever use your seggsy time jutsu again.
Friend 1: "yo, why were you in the hospital for the past few days?"
Friend 2: "oh ye, funny story, my Neanderthal of a gf pulled a 3rd Hokage on me and preformed the Reaper death seal jutsu on my cock, so now I won't be able to use any seggsy time jutsu unless I choose to posses the body of somebody else!"
by naruto_dictionary January 29, 2021
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Omega Solo The Verse No Jutsu is a powered up version of Solo The Verse No Jutsu, but is different in many ways. There are 3 phases of Omega Solo The Verse No Jutsu.

Phase 1: Future Trunks pauses all of Reality, Time, and Space by just twitching his index finger on his right hand, he then steals every fraction of power, speed, hacks, and durablity his opponent has, giving them Immobile Speed, Wall level attack potency, and can barely survive a hit from a rock.

Phase 2: Future Trunks dislocates himself from Time, Space, and Reality, meaning he is completely invincible while charging up Omega Solo The Verse No Jutsu, Future Trunks also becomes completely immortal, and can come back from being erased if they somehow do manage to keep their erasure hacks.

Phase 3: Future Trunks uses Omega Solo The Verse No Jutsu. The blast from this attack deletes his opponent at the speed of Beyond the concept of Space and Time. The blast of Omega Solo The Verse No Jutsu is past the concept of Logic.

Future Trunks uses Omega Solo The Verse No Jutsu on Featherine, The Presence, and SCP-3812 all at the same time! Future Trunks is now above the tiering system and solos fiction.
by @__.space June 27, 2021
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can we all acknowledge that they all had sex. Imagine one hand sasuke lol and even sai
Yo Shikamaru did you see how Naruto did it to Hinata with his shadow clone jutsu
by Alex_supersus1 December 2, 2020
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Similar to fireball jutsu, just before ejaculating you light the tip of your cock on fire and begin to spin around ferociously, sending ejaculat-fireballs in all directions, in attempt to hit surrounding targets.
Friend 1: "yo, why is your crotch all bandaged up like that?"
Friend 2: "oh this, well I was chased and cornered by bunch of guys who wanted to rip my cock off for some reason, so I sacrificed my tip to preform the Fire Phoenix Jutsu on them and I managed to get away."
by naruto_dictionary January 23, 2021
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Participating in the art of academic dishonesty without getting caught.
Damn, bro that exam was so easy. I Khang-Jutsued my way through it.
by K732870 April 8, 2021
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Definition 1: when your girl gives birth to your baby but it's damn ugly, so you replace it with a baby that looks cute and not like a forty year old man.
Definition 2: when your girl gives birth but you're not in need of a baby so, you replace it with a baby of another race, blame your girl and dip.
DEF 1: Friend 1: "yo you've got a really cute baby, congrats!"
Friend 2: "ye thanks, it was nothing a little "Baby Replace Jutsu couldn't fix.""
Friend 1: "WHA-"

DEF 2: Friend1: " yo, where is your baby, I thought your girl gave birth?"
Friend 2: "ye, it's funny cos after a bit of "Baby Replace Jutsu" it turned out the baby wasn't even mine!"
Friend 1: "what does that mean?"
by naruto_dictionary February 22, 2021
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A Jutsu used by the superior tsuchiyami to revive their discord chat.
Supreme Tsuchiyami leaders: Insert Catchy Hand sign sequence Tsuchiyami Style: Chat Revive no Jutsu (@chat revive jutsu)
Other Tsuchiyami: Huh?
by AspirineTY December 15, 2020
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