An insult used in a similar manner as "eat shit.", but it is much more civilized.
"You steal all of your memes."
"Eat my jorts, Brian."
by eat my jorts October 31, 2017
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in a situation on laughter with friends, fake friends, thot friends, u will not use the this phrase. in a situation on wheezing and scream laughter with your best friend the phrase “IM GONNA PEE MY JORTS” will be used to express how much they/him/her is laughing.
im laughing so hard im gonna pee my jorts! *wheezes harshly*
by airpodsarecancerous May 6, 2019
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When you shat in your jeans. (could be any denim material)
DAMN IT Bill, did you Big Dutt in my jorts!?
by JortsDenim February 9, 2021
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a spicy hot way of saying one is not currently wearing undergarments whilst concurrently sporting jean shorts.
"Hey Todd, are you wearing those new underwear you recently purchased?"
"Naw man, I'm goin' free-ball blobbington in these jorts"
by Freeballblobbington April 24, 2023
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When a woman orally pleases a male through a pair of gym shorts.
"What did you do with Becky last night?"
"she succ me thru my jort"
by regionalatleast March 4, 2017
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When your day goes poorly in an unforeseen yet entirely unsurprising way.
“Yeah a bird just shat on me!”

“No way dude.”

“Yeah it’s like god came on my jorts!”
by Dionysus’ dick November 7, 2023
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a play on words when thinking about Denim Jean shorts representing a very popular person
Ever Since Tony scored the game winning touchdown hes been a real pair of fuq jorts
by kaboob10 August 2, 2019
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