Slang term for an SUV

Origin : New York City
"So, I jumped out of my X5 jeep and this chick just started sucking me off."
by a handsome college kid November 12, 2004
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Verb, i.e. To Jeep, Jeeping, Jeeped, etc.

The action of parking a very short car such as a Jeep (Smartcars and other short vehicles apply) deep within a parking spot, rendering it invisible to vehicles which may be scouting for room to park.
Person A: Hey look, there's an open parking spot right there.
Person B: No wait, it's taken.
Person A: Damn, we just got Jeeped!
by CrazyCarl2 June 25, 2011
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Thin old men who in actual fact are younger than they look. They terrorise neighbourhoods telling everyone how things were different in their day. Unfound obsession with the word JEEP. Reasons why are unknown, They greet eachother by shouting the word.
Hello there fellow JEEP
Oh no its the JEEPs again!
by Adam Cooper September 16, 2005
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We have a 2002 Grand Cherokee Limited Edition. V8 4.7L. I beat my friends Mustang up to 140km/hr off the line- then the weight of the SUV kicked in and he caught and passed me.
I live in Saint John, New Brunswick and I drive too damn fast
by Jordan October 11, 2004
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My jeep Grand Cherokee 5.2, 4 spd auto had 202k miles on it, and still hit 100 driving to the lake with snow tires. I passed most trucks, when this thing is full time 4x4. Last winter i unfortunitely flipped over (slide off the road, flipping into this guys driveway). I walked out with a small 1 inch scratch...spent a hour work on it and started it right back up. By far the most safest, comfrotable truck(jeep) ever made. Goes to show, american auto engineering is ungodly compared to most countries. I highly recommend this truck.
It's just a hands down good truck, last forever, safe, and decent power...a few mods could beat most rwd trucks. Oh and i have to put the word jeep in, so there ya go.
by alexwilson321321 October 15, 2006
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In 90's hip-hop, the word jeep is used to describe any SUV, regardless of manufacturer.
Notorious B.I.G. (1994):Cause I'm knee deep in the beats
In the Land Cruiser Jeep with the Mac-10 by the seats

Missy Elliot (1997): Beep beep, who got the keys to the Jeep? V-r-rrrrrrrooooom! (In the music video she's in an H1)
by Gabulldogs123 July 28, 2008
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Jeeping is a late 90s, early 2000s slang term which is said when two individuals are having vehicular sex (like in a jeep).
At the drive in last night it was so awkward, all the couples were jeeping except for me and Carl.
by cluelessfanatic July 22, 2017
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