N. A beautiful swann with a special pink sparkily beak. Originating in Montreat, North Carolina. They are a sister bird to the Becca bird and are very close in species identification. Basically, they're both hott.
"Like OMG!!! I saw the most beautiful Hillary the other day, and it was with a Becca. Yahhh, I got their picture. And dude, you have no idea...when i saw them, I almost crapped my pants. && i was like daaaangggg!!!"
by like whoaaa. Becca!! August 1, 2006
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a very beautiful girl that seems sweet and nice but once u get to know her u find out she is nothing more than a hoe-bag.
GUY #1- Hey man, how was ur spring break.

GUY #2- It sucked i went to florida and met a girl but she turned out to b a Hillary.

by cody0102 January 9, 2008
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a very beautiful girl that seems sweet and nice but once u get to know her u find out she is nothing more than a hoe-bag.
GUY #1- Hey man, how was ur spring break.

GUY #2- It sucked i went to florida and met a girl but she turned out to b a Hillary.

by cody0102 January 9, 2008
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Hillary is a girl you will love forever. You will have to break up with her if you want to end the relationship.
I love you Hillary❣️
by HeartBroken4Life May 27, 2019
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any girl of normal size, weight, and height, with exceptionally large breasts. I mean, it looks like she stole those things from Dolly Parton, for God's sakes. Don't get me wrong, she's hot... but how can she possibly hold those things up?! She's so skinny!!!
Dude 1: Dude, check out the knockers on that chick!
Dude 2: Omg! She's such a Hillary!
by ka-bam April 23, 2010
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