When you like a girl a lot and then you see her picture with another guy at a toga partyarm in arm and realise you have a very small chance because you go to different colleges.
I have just suffered a mild form of heartbreak.
by Smiter324 September 6, 2007
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1. Symptom of psoraisis
2. Metaphor for sadness after loss of familiar cunt, cock, or affection. or by extension, any disappointment.
1. You don't have to suffer from the heartbreak of psoraisis. Just buy our medication.
2. I suffered great heartbreak after Algor lost the election and then his marbles.
by octopod February 18, 2004
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you'll lose yourself. you lost 10lbs because even the thought of that person makes you lose your appetite. you know that life isn't over, but it sure in hell feels like it. you feel like all the happiness that you were ever granted was ripped from your arms. you cried at school, the walmart clearance section, and the McDonald's drive-thru. you cried when you saw a swing because all that can think of is that night the two of you sat for hours, talking about your future. at one point, you start to imagine you are in some rom-com. that this is just a small bump in the road. you tell yourself "i believe that the love we had will bring us together again." and you just keep repeating this scenario in your head, making you look like a complete idiot. "what is wrong with me? why wasn't i enough? what else could i have done? why couldn't we have fixed this?" you say, "it’s never going to happen. maybe i don’t even want it to. maybe it’s for the best." until you see them and their new lover and you realize you were holding on to that small piece of thread that you'd get back together. you can tell yourself "i'm fine" but you're also crying and now there's snot on your shirt. then, you're finally moving on. the pain will still be there, but it's fading. it was love but you know that for now, you gotta do you. whether it be a new lover, an interesting hobby, or a family-sized box of toaster pastries, you’re over them. isn't it crazy how things can change?
boy: "why is she so sad?"
girl: "it's called heartbreak...you'll understand one day."
by bada55bitch December 17, 2019
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Can be felt not only when a relationship ends, but when anything does. ie Friendships, school years, and camp.
Clarisse was absolutely heartbroken that Alicia now hated her. She feels heartbreak.
by just at graduation June 5, 2010
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The worst thing you can do to a person that does not end in prison.
heartbreak example.

Girlfriend: Why don't you want me anymore? What did I do?
Boyfriend: It's not your fault, it's mine.
Girlfriend: You're breaking my heart...
Boyfriend: I don't want to.
Girlfriend: But you are...
by JoeVic1 September 12, 2019
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The most horrible thing in the world. A feeling of total rejection and self-questioning. You begin to question your worth, your thoughts, your whole identity... All because of one person. It feels like the end of the world and you don't know where to go from here, especially when the person was your bestfriend too. Heartbreak doesn't have to be a break-up, it can be when your crush rejects you. It doesn't have to be when you are dumped- it can be when you do the dumping. You can still be utterly head-over-heels in love with someone and feel that they've pushed you to a point where you can't forgive them.

If your gut is telling you to leave, then you need to leave. If your gut is contradicting your heart, go with your gut. It runs off of fact. The heart runs off of feelings and sometimes listening to those feelings and believing those thoughts can be the most self-deprecating thing you could possibly do. And, remember that you can never be healed in the place that broke you. Nor can you rely on another to fix you- that is your job, and yours alone. No matter how you feel, how sad you are, you'll get through it. You'll heal, you'll re-establish self-love and one day, you'll find someone new, if that's what you're looking for. But never, ever let love define you. Never let heartbreak be the end. Never let your feelings be your enemy. But most of all, find peace within yourself and trust yourself over anything. At the end of the day, self-love is the most important kind of love.
Heartbreak; the way he treated me broke my heart. It broke me even more to leave him... But I know I will survive to tell the story of how he taught me to love myself.

He broke me but he also taught me a lesson. As much as I hate him I'm also grateful for what I learned from his toxic love.
by catalinisfuckingsexy February 4, 2020
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When a girl fucks with your feelings, you love them the world. And they throw it in your face and fuck off. Even when they say you’re there future.
Lily n Ellie fucked our hearts bro we love them the world though 💔 complete heartbreak
by MandemDo1 April 18, 2020
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