makes a heart in html. usually used on myspace, livejournal, or other blogs of that sort. sometimes, (to be creative) kids will say "and hearts semi colon", but it is the same thing.
sometimes it is used to express love for someone, and sometimes it seems that the person is angry, but when the heart is added to the end of the sentence it becomes loving.
myspace comment 1: omgzz♥ i met you at that local show!!1!!1♥ even thought i just met you, i love you♥

myspace comment 2: fuck you bitch ♥
by brebunny May 18, 2005
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The final element needed to summon Captain Planet!

By your powers combined, I am Captain Planet!

And with the last word, he is indeed summoned!
by Captain Planet Summoner March 8, 2005
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Redness that's both linked and operative: mythologically unitary, but actually not contained. I refer you to the arteries and veins and also the valves which, on Miss Libby's echocardiogram, resembled baskets of kelp. Miss Libby is no longer with us. The heart fails. Perhaps it is better not to pick up with another human being. Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan and raspberry jam for breakfast? No. The heart is an open system. The heart is real. I don't want a boyfriend. I don't want another dog. I want red things: What moves my blood. Writing. I want the book to come.
What was the name of that French film? The one with Beatrice Dalle riding a dog sleigh at the end? I loved that shot where the girl's heart was lying next to her, wrapped in a T-shirt, throbbing in the snow. Did I really see that? I always like writing afterwards, but then I write something new. I wish I still had the soundtrack to Betty Blue.
by Bhanu: A Failed Novelist January 20, 2008
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1. That which contains all love, caring, courage, compassion, tenderness, gentleness, happiness, awe, loyality, passion, hope, beauty, feeling, laughter, trust, charity and joy!

2. An important thing to have.
by OneBadAsp October 22, 2006
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Heart (noun) typically used for crushing, breaking, or smashing. The word is also used in literary every song that has ever existed, and every song that will existed. It is almost always destroyed by someone who you care about but can also be destroyed by something called type 2 diabetes.
$teven: "yo you broke my heart yo"
@very: "why would you use yo twice in a sentence Steven"
by OrganDisplayer1912 January 23, 2021
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A Rock Band formed in the early 1970's fronted by Ann & Nancy Wilson.
by ONEWORD February 21, 2004
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Text used by either really girl-y girls on Myspace, or complete Dumb asses on Facebook. Facebook users guilty of using "&hearts" obviously ignore the fact that their text WON'T show up as a heart, but figure that its just the thought that counts.
"Dude, why did that girl use '&hearts' when she knows full well its not going to magically turn into a heart?"

"I have no idea man, it seems like it would make a lot more sense to use '<3'..."
by heyitsac1 August 6, 2008
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