1. dancing where a girl moves her bottom over the boys genitals
2. a gaming term referring to an activity that must be done over and over to get an item
3. doing school work for hours to get it done, when not inspired
1. "That stripper is grinding all over him."
2. "I had to grind for hours to get past that level of Bubble Witch Saga 2."
3. "Ug, I have no motivation to get this school work done. It's due tomorrow."
"Chug a frappuccino and grind for a few hours."
by coolteacher78 June 25, 2015
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The movement of the dick on the females ass usually resulting in :-!. Following the grinding an urge is felt to go fuck the female right after you see her again. so hot especially with the mere.
Tomorrow i'm going to grind with Mere, and its going to be so god damn hot! I"m gunna be aroused the rest of the day.
by jl;ij;lkj June 8, 2004
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A video game term, and is the name of the process of doing completely unnecessary useless events, most commonly gaining EXP by defeating enemies in a specific area without moving on, to level up.

This often leads to being overpowered.
Sorry... I was grinding in that field over there.
by Ichimoto June 27, 2010
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Anything you do to get your money, wether it be sellin or buying drugs and then re sellin, to holding a job and busting your as for that papa green. ANYTHING YOU DO TO GET YOUR MONEY is you on your grind. your grindin
Man i gotta go meet some one to sell this weed, ill be back in a bit i gotta go grind for a bit.

Man i gotta go into work for 10 hours, i swear i aint get a day off since last month, it dont matter im gettin that paper green like shit,im grindin.
by l20040 December 10, 2007
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1. When a drug dealer is running around town buying/selling drugs. "Hey, I cant go right now, im on the grind."

2. A vulgar dance where people rub their body parts against each other. Usually to rap or techno. "yo, check out that hoe over there putting her ass all up in that guys crotch...they are grinding."
by TheOneNOnly October 29, 2003
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A lesser known definition:

A form of musical composition when every instrument play repeatedly and rapidly, with unpredictable changes of stance in the beat.
Did you guys see Narcosis last night at the show? That shit was so fucking grind!
by TekFox February 1, 2004
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A skateboarding move, where a part of the skateboard is slid off a rail or edge.
That rail's one of the best for grinding.
by Mr. Misfortune August 22, 2004
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