obtaining major amounts of knowledge in a small amount of time. may be overwhelming or confusing at first. your brain may explode. possibly may want to wack yourself in the head with a literature textbook.
person A: Bro i'm so screwed i didn't study for my test at all
person B: oh man you better get some kosek
by foththegoth November 17, 2018
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When someone says something violating to you, and it was such a bad violation that you have noting else to say back, so you just say Get Some Bitches
Rodrick: That's why your mom died!
Jeffery: Uhm.. Get Some Bitches!
The Crowd: OHHHHHHHHH!!!
by October 3, 2022
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The act of cleaning ones own spunken off the seats of their parents Qashqai
I just had a hot affair with my hand and now I’m getting some wipes
by The Crimson Commodore April 4, 2021
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Phrase expressed to an individual butting into your life.
Her: So what's going on with you and Sally?

Me: Get some business, cunt.
by Copifax December 23, 2003
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To have sex with a woman and thus get the pussy between her legs.
by Deep blue 2012 June 8, 2010
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