What your dick gets if u don’t clean your foreskin good enough.
My girlfriend told all of her friends that she hates blowing me because I have stinky dick fumes.
by M Boogie April 17, 2020
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When a research group moves into a brand new lab and one of the graduate students jerks off into the fume hood before performing any experiments.
Hey Bill, I just coronated the fume hood so we can start doing experiments in lab.

Thanks bro, that'll give us good luck on these projects coming up.
by ChemistOfTheMonth September 3, 2018
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A toxic pungent fume ejected from the anal orifice
Man 1: What floats, smells like poo and is coming at you?
Man 2: what?
Man 1: A vile ass fume - *PRRRUT*
by Thefume1010 April 21, 2019
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To make up shit and pass it off as authentic. Also known as broussarding the thread.
That’s not real. That’s nom de fume, quit broussarding the thread
by Docrates July 12, 2022
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When 2 ladies are sexually licking each other everywhere, until they get down to the vagina and smell it. This is called Breathing in Electronic Fumes.
I just walked in on my girlfriend Breathing in Electronic Fumes. I dumped her shortly after.
by MrBurgerHungryMan28174 December 31, 2011
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phr. Meaning, "that's a good idea!" or "I'm cool with that!"
The origins come from the idea that your brain is made up of cogs, and the smoke generated from the cogs' hard work makes smoke, or "fumes" that get you high.
Tammy: Let's go get a snack from the vending machine.
Lori: Yo, gettin' high off the fumes. I haven't eaten anything today.
by K3RM February 27, 2008
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F emale
U sing
M anipulation &
E ntitlement

When a woman aims to manipulate another person believing that they entitled to that help / gifts.
If they don't get their way they go on the attack and try to belittle and berate the other person in the aim of gaining power this way instead.

Effectively a "double bind" mentality which puts the other person in to a position of powerlessness.
They will use any form of manipulation possible and will lash out and scale up their leverage if they do not get what they want.

People who FUME are generally narcissistic and toxic.
FUME: Please could you get me lunch? I didn't bring any money.


FUME: I'm calling the cops, I can't believe you won't let me stay here rent free! HOW DARE YOU
by TermNoob0xFF January 25, 2021
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