adjective describing something flamboyant and gay...
by Wawa February 22, 2003
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Cute as boy in a disc server.
Person 1: I love flame.
Person 2: Ikr he’s so cute!
by ToadHatesSarah September 30, 2020
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She is such α flame
My girlfriend must be α flame
There are not so many flames around here
I thought you said she was α flame
by Mr 2T May 24, 2013
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Insults. Most assaciated on the internet.
V. To insult.
N: Hey don't flame people.
V: He just flamed you.
by Slavik Von Stockholm May 4, 2005
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Sum bomb ass weed.
Nuff sed.
Dis shit rite here is sum flame nigga.
Itll have u out in one hit!
by OG Lokk February 20, 2006
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An expression of inarticulate rage, referencing Madeline Kahn's monologue in "Clue: The Movie": "I hated her...SO, it, it FLAMES...on the side of my face...breathing, breathl...HEAVING breaths..."
by minge1984 April 8, 2012
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A loud exclamation made before farting. Can also be used in reference to farting.
Matt: Dude, I flamed on today in english class.
Nate: No way! What was it like?
Matt: It was like...FLAME ON! (FART NOISE)
by Johnny OH! April 16, 2007
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