10 definitions by Slavik Von Stockholm

Short for Role Play, where people act out actions and events. This is most common on forums, especially with gaming forums where people act out characters from the game or RP in the game's universe. There's simple and narrative RP. Simple has rpers where events and actions are described basically and quickly. This mode allows for developed storylines, conversation, and cooperation. Though simple is usually looked down upon as degenerat and only belonging to n00bs. Narrative has players acting out actions and events very descriptively and often seem like pages from well written novels. Narratives are easy to screw up, allow for no or very little cooperation, and don't have much conversation. But narrative does allow for great fight RPs.
To role play as in an RP.
Lets do an RP. I'll be Jack and I'm at a bar.

I'm going on the internet to do an RP.
by Slavik Von Stockholm May 4, 2005
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Laughing My Ass Off Again
Also an add on to the online phrase 'lmao' or Laughing My Ass Off.
Guy1: He called a biker a bitch.
Guy2: Lmao!
Guy1: The biker nearly beat his ass to death.
Guy2: Lmaoa!
by Slavik Von Stockholm June 1, 2005
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Internet sland. An abbreviation for Crying My Eyes Out. Underused.
by Slavik Von Stockholm June 6, 2005
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A bad-ass heavily armed person that is usually very dark, angry, and generally pissed off. Based off the comic book Punisher. These people though rarely get into any type of combat situation. Most of the time become murderers and get arrested or killed. Some smarter punishers though keep their rage in an end up owning many guns and sell munitions.
Don't mess with that punisher.

The punisher was shot after killing a gang member.
by Slavik Von Stockholm May 4, 2005
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Worker, fetcher, or basically anyone you can order to do various jobs. The best example of this is Fido from the GTA game series which is the main character who does many jobs for local crime bosses.
That fido will do anything you say.
by Slavik Von Stockholm May 4, 2005
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Spaz is a shorter version of Spazmodically_insane, who was a forumer. What made him stand out was the fact that he hated n00bs so much that he ragged and flamed them constantly.
Another dirrivetive of the above spaz. To lash out at someone who is inexperienced or otherwise a n00b.
N: With all of his falming, he's another Spaz.

V: Come on man, don't spaz.
by Slavik Von Stockholm May 3, 2005
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Any combo of items in a video game that require little skill but is very powerful. These combos are looked down by higher class players who have mastered other combos but are still getting killed by players who basically cheat by using the same easy combo over and over again.
But you're the master, how did he beat you?
He just kept usin an old noob combo.
by Slavik Von Stockholm May 4, 2005
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