Sebastian Moy in another words, its something very skinny and long, like his legs, its so delicious but bad for your Health.
Sebastian is a fish stick with muscles
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When a guy has raw intercourse with a girl and she cums on your penis and then she proceeds to suck it
"Aye wassup mike, I gave that girl i met last night a fish stick."
by giiimmy_HaZe November 20, 2017
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The name of a man's penis when it is dirty or smells
P1: Bro, You do have a fish stick rn?
P2: Idk bro
by Cactus Cartel May 19, 2020
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Someone who is yummy but there are others yummier than them.

A fish stick that is skinny.
You are a skinny fish stick

“This skinny fish stick looks weird
by Samantha_123:4-_ May 23, 2019
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That undefinable, yet immediately recognizeable, smell of wet pussy.
Blind man walks into the fish market and says "good morning girls." "Why does it smell like unprocessed fish sticks in here?"
by superaynumerouno July 9, 2009
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