An election where there is only one candidate, or one candidate that is a reasonable choice.

This dates back to the ultra corrupt Mexican government.
by Dave November 2, 2004
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The 2016 American Election in which Putin cleverly maneuvered his golden shower-loving pal straight into the White House.
Fake news makes for a fake election and a fake President; Russia is the world’s biggest expert on this stuff!”
by Dr Bunnygirl July 17, 2019
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This is the feeling you get the day after the event when you have had so many political pundit messages slammed down your throat that you feel like you could pass a bill yourself if you just pushed the crap out as hard as these politicians do.
I have a raging election hangover today because I tried to avoid watching candidate commercials last night in between watching candidate commercials last night and now my headache has a migraine as a result of the results.
by zippy17927 November 8, 2012
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1:"Yay, it's election day."
2:"Who are you voting for? Trump or Clinton?"
1:"Hasn't Clinton already been president."
2:"No, I'm pretty sure that was Bill."
1:"Well it seemed to me like she was president back then"
by Mr. U. Dictionary November 6, 2019
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America: We did Election 2016
Japan: Haha! You guys are losers
America: We're gonna have to bomb you.
by bonelesspizza November 23, 2016
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What the world refers to when they're sitting around telling jokes about America.
All other nations : Hey I hope America's '04 candidates IQ's catch up with their inflation rate.

Everyone but America: -laughs-
by Taintfuck September 26, 2004
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The act of pleasing yourself after mistaking a electionsimulation” group video conference call for an election (or erection) stimulation call
To predict the erection results, Ed decided to do a little election stimulation by loob’n his toob’n during a video conference call with his peers.
by Offensive Nibbling October 20, 2020
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