An ancient ecological principle which is to be taken literally. Applies especially to heavy industrial chemical pollution, which when allowed to be generated and dumped freely into a closed ecosystemThe Earth due to laissez-faire environmental regulation and corporate neglect, generally results in deleterious effects to all organisms and human health.

Most Infamous example of corporate maleficence was the Bhopal Chemical Disaster.

Effects including but not limited to: Infertility, unplanned gender disruption, cancer, death, mental disability.
We've got Intersex Bass! Google it! We're next!

What do we do about it?

Don't Shit Where You Eat!
by gearhead78 July 7, 2017
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I will make you take back what you just said
Warrior: Mages are so bad in battle they would just hinder progress.

Mage: I'll make you eat those words.
by Light Joker March 17, 2004
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your mouth is dryer than the sahara desert, dryer than your moms vagina
Why yo mouth so dry? 'You look like you eat sand.'
by alexwall28 January 3, 2022
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When tarrare has had only 3 mess hall raids, 4 miscellaneous trash related mishaps, and one cavader defiling when all of the sudden, a 14 month old baby goes missing.
Doctor: ok tarrare, you’ve only had 3 mess hall raids, 4 miscellaneous trash related mishaps, and one cavader defiling.

nurse, knocking on door: doctor, a 14 month old baby has gone missing.

Doctor: (long pause)… TARRARE. DID YOU EAT A FUCKING BABY?!?
by GenosCyborg September 4, 2023
Do not cheat on bae with bae's friend and then be mean to those who saw.
Dickson hooked up with Sarah in front of a room of people and Mel, yet is still mean to her who could text Leigha in .5 seconds and let her know. Don't shit where you eat.
by mluque March 22, 2016
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