To penetrate twice in the asshole, then ejaculate into the asshole, then use two swift sucks to retrieve all seminal fluid and anal discharge. Not a move for novice felchers.
by FelchMonger January 5, 2003
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A term of insult to a Democrat, refers to their “double” digit IQs, whereas a republican is a “triple” because of their triple digit IQs
Did you see that moron with Biden sticker? What a double!
by Factsbreh April 7, 2021
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One way ticket to Hyperactivity and too much energy! Probably the best legal method of achieving ecstasy, it is uncomparable to anything else you have ever seen.

Should be ingested with caution, as it may result in excruciating pain to anyone who is not under the effect of another double double espresso.
Guy 1: hey, what are you drinking?
Coffee addict: A double double espresso!
Guy 2: I dont think thats good for you
Guy 1: Yeah, but I think its worse for us, Run!!!
by Mischievous Cockroach March 14, 2010
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when you swing your balls back behind your legs and catch them with your legs
steve-o pulled off a double double back and i was amazed and disgustid
by -Tim- April 20, 2006
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A sexual position for two females in which each lays on her back, one leg over the partner's, one under, pressing vulva together...I think this is just a "double v"...not a
by Bek April 16, 2003
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A woman or gay man so "cuntish" in behavior that she or he can only be insultingly described as a double-cunt (double-cunt) - parentheticals added as an alliteration to emphasize such doubly-cuntishly behavior (an homage to DoubleMint Gum). Term coined by Mark Hänser of Boston, MA.
Lee was such a cunt; so much so that only the term "double-cunt (double-cunt)" would do.
by Victor Felix August 21, 2005
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Two females making out while each is having sexual intercourse with a man.
Kelly, Mariah, Jonah, and Spencer were playing Double Door Double Whore last night.
by KelaMar. February 2, 2009
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