When you're an attention whore and you feel the need of constant attention, but you suck at self-pity so you fist people until they shower you with applause.
Maynard: Wow, I am so gross! I will never be fine fresh n fierce :((((
Peggy: Cool.
Maynard: You don't take pity on me and give me sympathy by calling me pretty? Would you change your mind if i fisted you?
Peggy: Go away. Stop fisting for compliments...
by tamiapoop March 15, 2011
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girl 1: oh my god im so ugly
girl 2: no ofc youre not
me: stfu you whiney little fishing for compliments bitch
by lxla November 19, 2015
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an insult that is put in between two compliments to lessen the blow; also known as a back handed compliment.
Shannon: hey emily, i really like your new haircut!
Emily: oh really, thanks!
Shannon: yeah it doesn't make your face look as fat
Emily: .....?
Shannon: yeah it looks hot though!

-later that day-

Hannah: hey emily did anyone say anything about your hair?
Emily: well, yeah shannon did, but it was a total sandwich compliment
by messylessy September 28, 2009
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A compliment that starts out well, but ends badly
"You look fantastic, for your age"

Whoa! that's a bad compliment slip
by stimpetta April 29, 2013
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a figurative horse that gets patted for each compliment--but when the compliment repeats itself too much, the horse gets beaten
Dude! Stop telling me how cool Bruce Cambell is, you're beating his compliment horse to death.
by Kinko Vakowski January 13, 2006
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A jersey compliment is When you try to say something nice but it comes out sounding like you intended to insult the other person; or
When you say something nice but you're actually insulting the person
The following would be jersey compliments: "Yo, that's the smartest thing I've heard you say, bro!" Or: love your pink shirt's popped collar, bud.
by Zuluswag November 5, 2015
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someone who’s only response to receiving compliments, is giving you a new compliment back, or even reusing the same towards you
“I called him cute and he said it right back like an actual compliment mirror”
by mayo.alizardo September 16, 2020
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