When you comment on something on someone's facebook and you get cluster fucked with 100's of notifications
I commented on my friend's photo and now I am cluster fucked
by The Real Marvel Knight November 30, 2011
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1) An term to describe the use of a large number of people to accomplish a task. The outcome can be negatively affected when too many personnel are applied.

2) A military or online-gaming term for a military screw-up. Usually due to incompetent commanders... often results in friendly fire. Possibly an indication that two many soldiers were needlessly deployed in a small area.
programmer #1: there's like 20 people working on that bug.
programmer #2: uh, I think it'll be a total clusterfuck

soldier #1: awe fuck, I just shot Bobby
soldier #2: we're shooting at our own guys, this is a total clusterfuck!
by Leigh July 20, 2004
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1. When a large group of people are standing around, with no idea of what they're doing, that always seem to get in your way.

2. When it sems like every driver on the road or in the same parking lot as you has completely lost their minds & are totally stupid.

3. Total & complete chaos.
"What is this guy doing?!? Did he really just stop in the middle of the road to take a PHONE CALL!!!!"
"What a cluster-fuck."

"Of course this whole family of people would stop right in the middle of the sidewalk for no apparent reason, so that the only way i can get by is to walk in front of traffic!!!"
by koi_fish23 May 5, 2010
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A derogatory term used to describe a system or operation that has been totally hosed up by a group of managers who couldn't leave well enough alone.
Better back up that estimate, there's a cluster fuck where the Planning Department used to be.
by Concerned Citizen #6942 February 16, 2002
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kluhs-ter bom

Explosive diarrhea.

See "splashing the bowl"
After two plates of squid pasta and pork Belly at Mission Chinese, Sam cluster bombed until early the next morning.
by Dia-Ria July 15, 2014
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A group of people in a kissing orgy clumped together in a sphere like orb
they were having a dandy time in the cluster ball
by Ryan Church III November 4, 2009
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A cluster of objects that are inside a person's keester
JH is an execptional outdoorsman with Celiac's. He keeps a carabiner and a loaf of gluten free bed in his keester cluster....
by AxonL March 17, 2018
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