A very shy but sweet girl who is very beautiful. She is very interesting and different. She has a dark side to her sweet personality. She is shorter than avrage and has long hair. Can be very evil in a funny way.
guy 1: Is that the Christine girl you were talking about?
guy 2: Yea, isn´t she interesting!
by this persons boyfriend November 26, 2017
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A beautiful, smoking hot girl. Usually a smart asian that has, what is called "the asian persuasion" She loves music and can rock out to anything she hears and is very chill. Shes the type of gurl that falls for a football player. She loves watching and playing sports although shes better at volleyball. she loves singing and playing an instrument. Shes the definition of PERFECTION.
"OMG whos that new gurl?"
" i dont know but she ought to be a christine"
by jcjds123 October 19, 2014
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A person who is absolutely the most wonderful thing one's eyes can gaze upon. Yes, better than gold bars, supermodels, scenic spots and tasty food.
Banker: I'll give you gold bars for Christine
J: No Thanks, Christine is way better.

Friend: Yo, have you seen the chick on the cover of latest issue of Glamour?
J: Is it Christine, if not please don't taint my perception of perfection.

*At the Grand Canyon with Christine*
*only takes pictures of Christine*

*At a fine restaurant, food comes*
*Takes a picture of Christine on phone (for fb upload)*
by Japper11 September 11, 2013
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A bubbly, yet stereotypical, white girl who has the attention span of a cat and is addicted to chapstick. She is always smiling, easily impressed, and loves horrible jokes. She tends to call everybody her bff and is strangely attracted to Spiderman fans with twin brothers. Everybody likes christine.
"Christine that wasn't a funny joke." "yes it was, bestie :)"
by taconogauco October 10, 2013
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Christine is A Nice, intelligent, and pretty girl.

It’s very hard not to like her tbh.

Her taste in guys is Anything but nice guys. In fact she is quite literally the definition of a good girl who likes bad guys.
Christine has a degrading kink
by JAHDJSHXJAVLZBC November 22, 2021
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Christine To, goddess of toes and everything in between the world of foot fetishes and sexy laid hookers. However, don't let this temp you... or she might nibble on your toes when you sleep.
Hooker A: H-Honey... make sure to cover your toes at night... you don't want to let the toe goddess in!

Hooker B: Who, you mean Christine To?
by Zenci April 28, 2022
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