A phrase used to reference sex. Popularized by Red vs Blue Character Tucker.
Tex: Get behind me and stay tight.
Tucker: bow chicka bow wow!
Tex: shut up, Tucker!
by Xeras July 8, 2011
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70's porno backgroud music
When lusting in the heat of the moment an alarming "Bow-Chicka-Bow-wow" will appear out of the blue..do not be alarmed it helps to "enlighten" the mood...can ya dig it?
by ashley October 15, 2003
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Originally part of a comedy bit used by Jordan Brady back in the 80's. Look it up people. He was the first!
What I love about porno is that early 70's funk music they play...Bow chicka wow wow.
by standupper December 6, 2012
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A verbalization of the music for the music that would play in the background during sex scenes in pornographic films of the early 70s.

Usually used as a euphemism for sex or being aroused. Always used in a sexual context.

Immortalized by the use of the phrase on the modern cult classic cartoon Family Guy.
(to describe sex) "You know what I'm talking about, it was just... bow-chicka-wow-wow."

(to describe being aroused) "I'm feeling all bow-chicka-wow-wow."
by G. April 4, 2005
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an imitation of the music that underscores adult film. Originally used as an introduction in IRC rooms and bulletin boards, it has evolved to include the physical act of sexual intercourse.

The phrase originally included, "*ding dong*", "Pizza Delivery", and "bwah-chicka-bwah-bwah" (in that order) as a representation of how a typical low-budget adult film would begin. It was later shortened to just "bwah-chicka-bwah-bwah".
Poster #1: *ding dong*
Poster #2: Pizza Delivery!
Poster #1: bwah-chicka-bwah-bwah!
Poster #2: LOL

You know what I'm sayin'! Last night I got me some bwah-chicka-bwah-bwah!
by Dwight (no relation) October 8, 2005
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there most sexy noise any human can make without aid.
bow chicka wow wow see you on webcam tonight alex ;)...
by mikey.poo May 23, 2006
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