When one has drunk too much caffeine the previous day, It resulted in a hangover the next, Also Know as CH!
Examples of a caffine hangover include:
Stomach Aches
Being Ratty with everyone and everything
"Woah, Whats up With Jenny?"
"caffeine Hangover"

by Merlei The Great January 9, 2009
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A Barista. A person who is specially trained in the making and serving of coffee drinks.
Before I go to work I need to pay a visit to the local caffeine dealer. I still haven't got my fix today.
by brontosaurus666 February 9, 2011
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The act of waking up, making fresh coffee and drinking it while partaking in the burning and inhaling of the devils lettuce.
Cecilia woke up and brewed fresh coffee and smoked. She had her caffeine and green
by LilySunshine1994 March 31, 2019
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Taking a drink that's very heavy in caffeine and doing multiple shots of it within one minute. Thus, causing you to have a huge energy rush.
bob was being a lame ass but after the caffeine shots he's fucking hyper.
by ZTO September 25, 2006
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Ashley Hall - "Caffeinated Cheerleader" The hot girl in the T-mobile ads who drank to much cherry coke and had one too many servings of Lucky Charms who is seen in a T-mobile evaluation center chatting away with her girlfriend about boycotting tuna, getting her head stuck in a sunroof, then he was like "Whateverrrr" and I was like "Whateverrrr"
Like Oh my gawd, my battery is running out! I'm such a caffeinated cheerleaderrrrr!
by DEVGRU June 20, 2006
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someone who takes over 3 grams ov caffeine a day just to stay awake, you know the people who are so twitchy that they seem like 3 people when you look at them. Usually good at DDR and other gaming.
A) "did you see Zi0n_Freak yesterday? damn is he a caffeine whore"

b) "W00t! I gotz me about 10 grams of caffeine and a 4 day weekend, I am so gonna become a caffeine whore tonight!"

3) "We come here today to mourn the loss of _insert_name_here_, beloved friend and caffeine whore."
by i0.antichrist January 7, 2006
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That feeling you get when you've had too much coffee in the morning and it's starting to wear off. Its stimulative effects don't always wear off evenly, leaving you feeling jittery AND exhausted. Food and water help; fortunately the most common time for a caffeine downer is right before lunch.
"Anyone want a second cup of coffee?"

"I'm tempted, but I'll get a caffeine downer in an hour for sure."
by Trinadtsat Tomitsu August 24, 2007
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