one of the best comebacks ever used in 1,2 or 3rd grade using it will make you the cool kid
"your a pp butt hole lmao"
by kDawg696984 February 6, 2020
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Meaning very extra mega Poggers, often used by epic gamers to describe a very Pog play in a game.
Thomas: My lord that Fortnite play was very Poggers McStinky Butt Hole
Will: Yes, very Pog

Dad: Me and you mother are getting a divorce
Thomas: That’s very Poggers McStinky Butt Hole
by PogManTommy February 17, 2021
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a move where when you fuck a girl and stick your finger in her bum and wiggle your dick is called the texas butthole tickler
damn man i really gave that girl the texas butt-hole tickler
by fuckboyfrancis March 13, 2022
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When the male rams there penis into the girls anal cavity so hard the males genitalia melts in her anus
I ramed my girl so hard i gave her a kamikaze butt hole
by Kamikaze bootycheeks October 21, 2013
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Crown Hair aka the hair that circles around ones butt hole. it is called crown hair because it can look like a crown on someones head. To get rid of a Crown one can shave it or get it waxed. Everyone has a Crown unless they get rid of it. Crown Hair is also known as ass pubes or just as a Crown.
"Go get your crown hair (butt hole) waxed." "That girl is showing her crown hair (butt hole)." "They have long crown hair (butt hole)."
by WildThang11 November 1, 2011
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