A beautiful and wonderful Mexican person who smokes a lot of pot but still cares about other things.
Wow, you're so great, almost as good as Bucky.
by Cara! April 13, 2004
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Something or someone acting / being / looking stupid or uncool - also a waste of time (typically person doesn't realize this, which makes it even more bucky.
"That outfit looks bucky on her." - "The presentation he put together was so bucky!"
by ms-cynic May 22, 2009
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to 'pull a bucky' is where a person becomes quiet and withdrawn, when he is in the presence of someone they do not know, do not like or are intimidated by.

the person who is on a bucky will commonly just reply with one word answers, and may become pale, and if they are under the influence of cannabis, and the person who is causing a bucky is present for a prolonged amount of time, the bucky may progress and develop into a classic whitey situation.

the feeling of being on a bucky is usually unpleasant
grem came down and i just went on a bucky
by McShuLad April 28, 2010
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Another type of vietnamese person that speaks weird.
Oi Zoi oi! Nammer are better then buckies!
by hanh nguyen April 6, 2003
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Crazy or odd. Although the true meaning lies soley in the person who is saying it.
You get quite bucky when you're tired.
by umlikewhatever December 17, 2010
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Much like a 'shoey', you fill your bucket hat with an alcoholic beverage and skull it as fast as you can.
You're in the club and you get the sudden urge to do a shoey, but you think to yourself 'Idont want to ruin my shoe', so instead you take you bucket hat off and use that instead!

Everyone else with bucket hats join in, BUCKIES ALL ROUND!
by Hotbox9 July 31, 2015
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