The equivalent of Gay.

(Used from the title of the movie Brokeback Mountain, about two "Gay" guys."
"Dude, that movie was hella Brokeback."
by Charles Xavier March 4, 2006
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A word used to describe the act of unquestionable straight (not gay) masculinity (unlike the previous definitions, which describe an act of unquestionable homosexuality). This term was originally coined back in the day, perhaps over 100 years ago. It has since fallen from common use, until the 2005 movie "Brokeback Mountain". It used to be used to describe any male activity, or "guys night out", in a time where homosexuality was a strictly behind closed doors issue.
My husband and the guys are going brokeback bowling tonight.

I am going brokeback golfing with a few college buddies this weekend.

Do you want to go brokeback gay sexing? (OK, this one isn't legit :) ).
by frikk March 8, 2006
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meaning being gay. uncool. taking after the movie "Brokeback Mountain" Originated in San Diego
by darlene joanne June 30, 2006
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That Movie was so brokeback, it totally sucked!

He is so Brokeback!
by Neaves April 24, 2006
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a homosexual act performed by two men,
origin of word from the 2005 motion picture
"kyler and joel were sitting in the hotub naked togother beacuse sarah wouldent 3/4 them"
That Sh*t was "brokeback"....PUKE
by James Max89 February 24, 2008
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an unknown STD transmitted through the act of gay sex.
jim: whoa phillip, you look sick.

phillip: i feel like shit...i think you gave me brokebackitis last night.
by gar_fizzle December 28, 2007
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"that music video was so brokeback"
by ur ass May 13, 2006
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