A girl from the country Bosnia and Herzegovina who is stuck up, two faced and fake. Majority are attractive but with horrible personalities.
That two faced bitch is Bosnian girl.
by VanillaLace♥ November 19, 2010
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a terrorist from bosnia who comes into your world and breaks your heart and becomes a dick to you and your friends.
Amber- "yuck dump him!"
Amanda- "why? he hasnt done anything bad!"
Amber- "Zac's better!"
Amanda- "ughhh"
Amber- "hes suck a BOSNIAN FAGFACE!"
by yourexgirlfrienddddd March 6, 2011
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A tall, handsome & romantic foreign man who sweeps you off your feet, but only for one magical moment, then disappears at the stroke of midnight.
Who was that hunk y man you were with last night? I never got his name... he was my Bosnian Cinderella.
by bird-on-a-wire June 12, 2017
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A sex position where the man is knees down on her shooting his sperm in the sky and lands on her head.
Why is your hair so sticky?
He did a Bosnian Artillery last night.
by Potato Salada November 7, 2020
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(v). the act of taking a dump in your mother's bedsheets, squishing the feces around in the cloth, and doing her a favor by making her bed for her. Later that night, when she crawls into bed, she will shriek "I've been Bosnian Dumpster-ed!"
Dude, I Bosnian Dumpster-ed Phil's mom the other night!
by BoodaBanga 69 May 30, 2011
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An oncoming car driving at night with only one working headlight. Said car can be dangerous if your riding a motorcycle towards it on a narrow road or lane without realising.
I nearly ended up in a hedge last night when I thought I was about to pass another bike only to realise at the last minute it was a f**king Bosnian Motorcycle. What a twat!
by Adnev99 September 27, 2010
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You position yourself so that your sexual partner has her mouth open right up to your asshole. Then you fart. Make sure she gets as much of it as she can. A little shotgun action never huts either.
I was not down to make out with her knowing she'd been bosnian fogged a few minutes earlier.
by RanchoPancho May 5, 2008
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