Bonnet-hop: (AUS) To hop onto the hood or 'bonnet' of anothers car and defaecate.
eg. Bob "I heard you did a bonnet-hop on Mike's car"

Frank" Yeah man I shat all over it"
by anon of anonlington June 10, 2011
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To add oil and growth serums to bonnet hair cover
Bonnet Seasoning-Soaking hair bonnet In hair growing oil to have your bonnet seasoned
by It’s a thing February 14, 2023
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An idealized wife in a patriarchal society. One who solely wants to cook, clean, and wear dresses without any interesting in reading, thinking, or participating in academic circles. A woman who spends her formative years solely learning the arts of homemaking and baking bread; eventually to marry rich and spend the rest of her days doing just that.

Not to be confused with trophy wife.
"Oh my god, Lindsey is such a bonnet babe!"
"Gaston must have thought Belle was a real bonnet babe to fall for him"
by TheSchizzlest December 29, 2016
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A term for asshat reserved for polite company or an ass hat of feminine manners and personality.
by GreenBird23 April 27, 2011
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A synonym of the term "Butterface," this term can be used more covertly to express your opinion of a girl's appearance without arousing her suspicion. Inspired by the logo on the famous brand of margarine.
Q: "Hey, what's that party looking like?"

A: "Eh, just a bunch of Blue Bonnets hanging out."
by TD4354 October 16, 2009
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Similar to Hood Slide, but in England the bit at the front of the car is called a bonnet.
There is a bonnet slide in the opening credits to Quantum Leap, and also in the Beastie Boys video for Sabotage
-Did you see Quantum Leap the other day?
-With that dude Sam Beckett?
-Putting right what once went wrong?
-And his wise cracking holographic sidekick Al?
-I love that show.
-Did you see the sweet bonnet slide at the beginning?
-No, I was in the kitchen making a brew.
by Sammy Sammy Bung Hole February 7, 2006
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Dude, when you go to the store pick me up some boner bonnets. I have an easy date tonight.
by DickCummings May 30, 2011
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