To cop a wristie on a bunk bed. Very common in backpacker hostels and performed frequently by dutch girls.
I copped an aggressive dry bunk blaster from a Dutch chick at the backpackers last night
by T- Slug February 14, 2010
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A word to describe a firearm used in self-defense.
"Hey dude, I just used my good-blaster to blow away those fools who tried to rob me."
by NotAirMarshalJohn October 16, 2012
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A small electronic device not designed for playing music at anything like public address volume, used by morons to demonstrate their godawful taste in music to a rightfully ungrateful public.

Rather than offending by sheer volume as a Ghetto Blaster would, the Netto Blaster irritates by its appalling sound quality - the net result of one small speaker, a complete lack of bass, and a spotty, gurning twat with his room temperature IQ mates who don't have the good manners to sit around and talk shite like the rest of the civilised world.
Sound from other end of bus or train: "Tssh tssh tssh"

Everyone: "Oh, for fuck's sake, which nobhead is waving his Netto Blaster around?"
by Mu Cow February 11, 2008
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a chromed out portable cassette radio from the 80's the larger the better.
by Chris J May 12, 2003
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"How was your food, Dean? Didn't you have the double-bean burritos with the extra guacamole sauce and peppers?"

"Yes, and it was a real ass blaster. I'm gonna feel this meal for a few days."
by MC Lucidious Mo'nashiss April 19, 2003
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It had become way too common a theme in Michael Vick's life...


It was 4th down. Fido just wasn't doing his job. Neither was Fluffy. Spuds was already out with an injured leg. Obviously, these were dogs and not men - none of them was prepared for the battle on the field.

Mike took out his Lassie-blaster and took care of business...
by Bobb Barker September 21, 2007
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The act of apply excessive pressure to the area between an asshole and genitalia.
Ex) Sorry I can't hang out tonight, I'll be too busy giving my girlfriend a gooch blaster.
by davrimeh October 9, 2018
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