stands for Boner killer. when a girl is so ugly that when you think of her your wood instantly goes away.
louis: yo did you see the girl over there?
Bruce: yo she's a BK
by vindcated March 21, 2010
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What cribs substitute for "b" whenever they type online. Pretty funny if they type a long ass paragraph. Common on friendster and myspace.
wut up Cuh, i bke bkangin bklue all day and fuCcin up dem slobk ass niggaz every night

C's up
hoe's down
by LkJ January 5, 2005
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An abbreviation for "Bad Kid" incompetent gamers use when their vocabulary range is extremely low. Not only does it sound stupid but it also makes them look childish. It is generally used by people who take the game way to seriously and think they are pro because they can sit on their ass and move their thumbs.
Your a BK scrub because you killed me and i should never die because i am god at this game!
by revitup360 October 8, 2011
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A word used by angry halo players who are mad at people that purposely try to ruin the game. The players that use this term try to make 1-9128128 new slang terms daily because they thinks it makes them cool.
You are such a bk for shooting me in the back and getting that free betrayl
by 1999566435 August 15, 2010
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Normaly used in online text chat convos, meaning "back"
Josh: 1 second some-ones at the door!
Dom: k
Josh: ok i'm bk
Josh: It was a mate from down the road.
by Josh July 30, 2004
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Usually used by people from Brooklyn who have stepped out of their turf and are liable to receive a giant ass-kicking as well as their three other BK friends down in the dirty dirty.

Also a Blood Killer.
Yo dat nigga over der be from BK lets talk to em and become his homeboy. Oh shit, hurr come dem dirtys.
by Carol City Boy March 24, 2005
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Burger King-Have it your way
Thanks for choosing BK proceed to the next window.
by Kevin February 25, 2005
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