Making a beggar's line is when you cut all your leftover cocaine into a single rail
I used all my coke so I had to make a beggar's line.
by yourcornercokeman November 18, 2022
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A common disreputable, sometimes malodorous and always random vagrant. Not distinguished by any noteworthy individual characteristics. Notable only for his shared tastes in fashion and career choices with his fellow beggar brethren as well as his penchant for interpretive dance and impromptu awkward public singing.
Tom: I just gave Nameless the Beggar $3 dollars

Dick: Which one?

Tom: Exactly!!!!
by thedemonicrake January 23, 2011
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little seeds that stick to your clothes from walking in the woods. It's a humorous term and suggest the "victim" could not get real lice and could only get beggar's "lice".

beg·gar's lice (bgrz)
n. (used with a sing. or pl. verb)
1. Any of several plants, such as the stickseed, having small, often prickly fruits that cling readily to clothing or animal fur.
2. The fruit of any of these plants.
I justed came from a hike and my pants are covered with beggar's lice.
by sylvain1997 January 3, 2011
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A person who expects others to pay for their meals on a date/meeting simply because of their gender or existence
Just because I am a woman, a man is obligated to pay for my meal.

Just because you were the one who did the asking out (even that I would refuse if I wasn't interested in you also but I don't have the guts to do the asking out myself) you have to pay for my meal.

This is an example of meal ticket beggars
by Nickthedick09 October 30, 2009
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used when someone is desperate for something but then becomes picky about it
person 1: oi got any money
person 2: only $2
person 1: shit that ain't much
person 2: look mate beggars can't be choosers
by josef (joey) s March 11, 2020
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(n.)A strong agreement or deciding opinion made about a statement or topic.
In revision of The Declaration of Independence, before signing, the document was read aloud for the audience of great men. As the reading came to a close, a resounding and unanimous yeggar beggar seegan could be heard as the congregation realized the work that had been done.
by Editorial Salmon January 8, 2012
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An economic system that doesn’t produce any internal wealth generation of its own and instead depends on raiding neighboring regions and asking for outside help. Such an economy usually has a high level of capital flight, leaving most of its residents impoverished. Shortages of basic goods and services tend to be commonplace, if available at all.
They have a Beggar Pirate Economy, it won’t last long as a country.
by NicholsSA June 11, 2020
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