Situated in Redding, CT this high school is made up of the Easton and Redding kids, because both towns are basically too small to have their own place. School spirit is at an all time low, and doesn’t seem like we’ll start yelling ‘Barlow’s got the Power’ with our disliked cheerleaders until our athletics shape up and everyone come down from their high or sobers up a little bit. If you ask a Barlow kid what they listen to, most likely they will either say Dave Matthews Band or, if they think they are scene, From First to Last or Bleed the Dream.

The school has this wonderful tendency to be really weird. The walls for instance, are pink splattered paint that is sometimes known as “pig vomit paint”. Also, if you are looking for the record holder of pulled fire alarms in one year, you may want to check out Barlow. Those who were in the school in 2004-2005 will remember the ‘mercury spill’ when the whole school was denied lunch because someone spilt a little mercury on the floor near the cafeteria.
Barlow kid 1: oh my god, I'm so high right now, the stuff on the walls are moving!
Kid 2: dude, I'm not high, but I think they might be....

Kid one: Look! A kid that isn't white and I don't know them!

kid two: What? At Joel Barlow High School? No way! There's only like, two in the school! Did we have to get more to come here so it doesn't seem like the school is racist?
by jbhs08! June 23, 2006
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highschool full of white kids who think they thugged out .
boy: “ima thug shordyy”
girl: boy please you go to sam barlow high school”
by realahhnikka128 October 12, 2021
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Generally defined as a sex black male. Tends o steal everyones thot bitches but the niggas he steals them from steal think he is a God
Nigga#1: Damn I heard that you and your girl split up
Nigga#2: Yeah we did
Nigga#1: what happened
Nigga#2: She left me for someone else
Nigga#1: Well are you gonna kick his ass
Nigga#2: Naw cuh is aight cuz Michael Barlow stole her from me
Nigga#1:Oh shit you dont wanna mess with that nigga
by Nigga cheese bitch November 15, 2018
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a blond actress who is really cool and has a dog named remy. post a lot on instagram @therealagbarlow
your such an anna grace barlow!
by meettheb March 18, 2018
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Young individual who possesses characteristics of GAYNESS and P.A. HOMOSEXUALITY.
The term is used to describe a young lad in this format with negative intentions.
Person A: "Oh hey man, what did you take for Sixth Form?"
Person B: "Media, Dance and Performing Arts."
Person A: "Lol, who are you Elliott Barlow?"
Person B: "Fuck off you cunt!"
Person A: "Cool..."
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The sexist men alive has awesome hair everyone loves him except the ones he rejected. He has tons of homies and is the coolest guy around best boyfriends ever and supports and is kind to everyone who they think is deserving. And is sometimes racist to Miguel cuz he called tmhe a white tard.
DAMN that guy is denfinlty a barlow
by May 12, 2022
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an amazing person. extremely rare, cool, funky, and fun. there is only one on the planet
"barlow, you're the best"
"what's up barlow?"
"barlow! can i have an autograph?!"
by theonenonlybarlow May 7, 2021
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