In DarkRP, a role-playing gamemode for Garry's Mod, this is the weapon used by cops to send people to jail. When a cop hits someone with it, they are instantly teleported to jail, and they respawn when their jail time (usually two minutes) is up. Also called an arrest stick.
flarn2006: Dude! DetJohnKimble just dropped his arrest baton!
gmodrulez: Pick it up!
flarn2006: I already did. See?

-- gmodrulez has been arrested for 120 seconds

gmodrulez: /demote DetJohnKimble dropped arrest baton

-- gmodrulez has started a vote for the demotion of DetJohnKimble.
-- The demotion vote has started!
-- DetJohnKimble suicided!
-- DetJohnKimble has been demoted!
-- DetJohnKimble has been made a Citizen.

DetJohnKimble: sucker...

-- flarn2006 has been arrested for 120 seconds
by Anonymous938743 September 7, 2009
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A crime when you make someone else's heart stop working on purpose. This can get you the maximum amount of years in prison, fines, and maybe even the death penalty.
Dude1: "Did you hear about that gym teacher going to prison?"
Dude2: "Yeah, apparently he got a lifetime sentence."
Dude1: "He committed Cardiac Arrest, he deserves it."
by Literally Anyone October 10, 2017
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A Cardiac Arrest is a cocktail of approximately $16 Australian dollars worth of cheap Woolworths spices with such a potent smell that it can quite possibly cause one to go I to Cardiac Arrest hence the name. All mixed in a salt container.
Guy 1: yo is that a Cardiac Arrest dude
Guy 2: yeah dude smell it
Guy 1: *goes into cardiac arrest*
Guy 2: well shit that explains the name
Guy 3 in ominous tone: he was not worthy of the S P I C E
by COMMUNIST KOAT HANGER October 10, 2019
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Layer of toilet paper placed on top of the bog water to stop a splash soaking the arse crack from a falling turd. Guaranteed to prevent a Splashback Enema. Phrase derived from a device used in gas pipes called a Flashback Arrester to stop explosions.
Hey Stu, thanks for telling me about the Splashback Arrester, I did a hefty shit and for once I didn't get a jet of cold pissy bog water shoot up my arsehole.
No problem dude, glad I could help!
by CountLippe February 12, 2021
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The moment in which a person, desperately needing to take a shit, is forced to stiffen up, clamp their ass cheeks as hard as possible, and make their way to the bathroom as fast as they can in their awkward, waddling position in order to avoid shitting themselves.
Joey: "Did you see the way Tim left the room? He looked like a fucking penguin. Should we call an ambulance?"
Dave: "Nah bro, he's entered shittiac arrest. He's in god's hands now."
by Fuck a handle September 7, 2017
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When someone who was previously normal loses all sense of logical reasoning. They make others lose brain cells from trying to understand them. Some symptoms may include horrid language skills, inability for others to understand, stupidity, rambunctious behavior, etc. It is considered peak Niggatry, which is then followed by normalcy. This could last from only 2 seconds to your whole life.
Guy 1: Bc I sit go anywhere I'm shutin for today until like 2
Guy 2: Idek if that is even english.
Guy 3: This man had a cardibacular arrest.
by Dr. Desiigner June 4, 2019
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When your better half forbids you to have sex.
I am under pp arrest for cheating on my girlfriend.
by kalray April 29, 2021
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