You are clearly an annoying twerp if you dont know what this means.
Its_jassiah is the most annoying r6 player known to man.
by Whiteskinned October 1, 2019
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Having a crush on someone who doesn't like you back.
Tina: I have a crush on bill but he will never like me. It is annoying.
by Thee1and0nly November 3, 2019
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The boy who defined the word authentic on urban dictionary.
He was being very flipping annoying about it.
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1) A polite way to describe a person who is really a bitch

2) People with obscure and confusing names

3) an Ellie
Person 1: "Ellie is being such a bi-"
Person 2: "My grandma can hear you."
Person 1: "She's being so annoying."
by Gelatobeam March 21, 2017
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to make something that really angers and annoys people
god that motherfucker that made every word here really annoyed me
by Teh kyo February 21, 2004
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to be literally fucking over everything.
to be so over it that you're under it.
see: Kim Kardashian
I'm like, so annoyed.
by putawaywet October 29, 2013
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