When you are about to blow your load, start a girl's pubic hair on fire. Pull out, make a siren noise, and put out the fire with said load.
I just gave that bitch an alaskan fireman, and now she has 3rd degree burns!
by LOLNOU February 1, 2008
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when you are fucking a girl form behind while she is facing a window you stop fucking her. then your friend takes over and she thinks you are still fucking her. You go outside and go to the window and yell surprise!
OMG I was startled when tom pulled an alaskan houdini on me.
by p8ntballer mike April 4, 2009
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A Sex moved designed to make the normal unenjoyable experience of fucking a fat chick somewhat more bareable. The Alaskan Harpoon is preformed by post-forplay when already nude. The enlarged women must lay down across the bed spread eagle and the normal sized man must stand at the foot of the bed. (note-the following is the most important part of the process) Next the man must aim and when he is properly arranged he jumps. The penis of the man will land in the vagina of the girl if properly preformed. After jumping due to the excess body fat of the women the man will bounce, and thus the necessary movement for sexual intercoarse will be done absent of any effort fromt he man.
Used in an everyday conversation:

Paul: Yo Phil, did you here that John did that fat chick from accounting

Phil: Yeah

Paul: Thats such a shame, John is above that

Phil: Not Paul its all good, he gave her The Alaskan Harpoon

Paul: Oh ok thats better
by Scotie the great March 8, 2009
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The sexual act of using a fold of fat, lubricated with butter and syrup, to achieve orgasm.
I couldn't find that fat chicks pussy, so I alaskan flapjacked her fat roll.
by shredder ace February 28, 2014
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While in the midst of a snowball fight, one hides behind their snowfort, defecates, rolls the fecal matter into a ball, and throws it into the opponents face(s).
Johnny got hit in the face by an Alaskan brownball, and all the children laughed at him.
by Anonymous2135i020512 April 24, 2009
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While performing intercourse doggie style, the male knocks the female unconcious and proceeds to ride her down the stairs while still engaged in intercourse.
I gave your mom an Alaskan Bobsled on the Lincoln Memorial last night, dawg.
by StairMastr September 4, 2008
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n: the act of pooping in to a condom, freezing the rubber overnight, then inserting it in to ones anus.

Invented at the University of Iowa by Brian and Andy S. in 2001.
Andy: "Hey Brian, wanna come give me an alaskan pipeline?"

Brian: "You know I can't do that again. Dad will spank us!"

Andy: "Aww shucks Brian, you know how much I love those."

Brian: "I know Andy dear, I know."
by aseay_99 August 4, 2004
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