The earth's atmosphere, also the most popular block in Minecraft
Minecrafter: Air block isn't a thing in Minecraft, retard!
Air block: *angry noise*
by Air block October 15, 2019
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The result of a crazy science teacher in northern nj. true, he seems like a nice guy, but he has random outbreaks of different words.
Teacher-"What was in the bottle?"
by T-mag October 1, 2010
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An extremely offensive curse word used amongst Lebanese people meaning Penis. Can be used to insult someone, their mother, sister, or anything relating to them.

Aire bi imak “My dick in your mom”

Aire feek “My dick in you”

(If something bad happens) Aire! “Fuck!”

This term can also be used in the same context as “fuck” or “fuck it.”
Friend: You bro you look like a bitch today.
You: Aire feek bro!


Friend: Hey bro you do the homework?
You: No not yet. Aire! I’ll do it tomorrow.
by Nickt6897 December 12, 2017
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The act of crouching over a toilet in a semi-standing position while in a public bath, taking a shit, as to not get any AIDS or other germs from the toilet seat
"Hey Jim, cover my basket I've gotta go do some airing because, I dont trust the walmart bathrooms."

"Yo, dude I was at waffle house last nite and I had to take a massive shit, so I just aired the hell outa that stall."
by AxDk March 15, 2010
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corny, wack, dull; not interesting
That movie i saw yesterday was air.
by B. Wilson November 25, 2003
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A thing that you breath unless you are me and don't really breath much or at all.
by A third Guy named John October 21, 2003
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To be unfindable. To disappear like a vapor in the air.
-Where's Joe at?
-I don't know, amn. He's in the air.
by Tizzat January 29, 2004
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