Asian people, according to the slang of Nik Richie's
"Yo, that chick smells like noodles."

"She must be part Asian dude"
by joobledotz March 29, 2010
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Noodle is another word for bex
Person #1: hey did you see noodle's outfit today?
Person #2: yeah it was so artsy
Person #1: yeah i wish i could dress more like noodle
by Pusswhip October 11, 2010
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1. Synonym for noob and newb when you don't know which of the two it is.

2. Player who acts brainless in an online skill-based game.

3. Player who is NOT part of the vital few. See also Pareto principle or the 80-20 rule.
In public servers it can usually be said that:
20% of players in a team count for 80% of the win.
80% of players in a team count for only 20% of the win.
Those 80% are noodles.

Origin: Noob --> Nood --> Noodle
Some languages' speakers have difficulties pronouncing noob or newb. To make the words flow better, the word is changed to nublar, noodel, noedel, nuddle, noodle...
Alf: That pubstar is roadkilling all my noodles
Ben: It's their fault for not thinking when they cross the street

Charlie: Man, their team sucks so bad
Dan: Yeah, they're all noodles

Ed: We need 50 kills to win and I got 15!
Frank: You're not a noodle then!
by Don Zardeone August 1, 2009
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by the baddest bitch seeeyuhhh December 8, 2010
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It is slang for an asians penis.
"man hes got a small noodle"
by wakawaka43 January 11, 2014
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Guitarist of the punk-rock band the Offspring whose real name is Kevin Wasserman, who was the janitor of Dexter Holland and Greg K's high school. Dexter Holland and Greg K invited him to join the band because he was over 21 and could get them alcohol.
Stupid Offspring Fangirl: OMG DEXTER HE'S SO HOT!
Me (real Offspring fan): What do you think of Noodles?
Stupid Offspring Fanirl: Who's that?
by Schuyler K February 13, 2009
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Verb: To use a musical instrument to play around with the musical notes in a song or jam.
Grab your ax and I'll hit the skins and we can noodle around for a bit.

I don't like jam bands becuase there is too much noddling. Just play a SONG!
by Emafer July 22, 2008
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