1) A person who most scientific studies, has been proven to be short, and extremely adorable.
2) A person who loves cookies
3) A person who is extremely playful, fun, and lovable.

1) When someone is showing characteristics best attributed to the noun "Valerie"

1) RTB
"Look at Valerie, all she does is eat cookies and smile a lot, but she sure is cute isn't she"

"No man that kid isn't a being Valerie, there is nobody like a besides her, because shes great"

"Dude look at that little RTB; Yeah I know what you mean man."
by rpd048 October 8, 2011
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An angry little elf, who hides out in the attic, coming out once a year to feed on the hopes of men
guy 1. Dude your house is haunted

guy 2. Oh thats just the Valerie in the attic.
by sirawesometheone July 2, 2011
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The very second she steps into the room, the rough sensations of her impenetrable waves of confidence and assertiveness crash upon it, ringing the bells in everyone's subconscious so they'll glance up with awe. She's talented in everything she does, dominant in everything she does, loves everything she does. Valerie knows when to cut the cap, blazing her own trail in life. She loves the boys, regarding them mostly as a form of entertainment seeing much she gets every day.
Boy1: See that loud chick... she's kinda hot.
Boy2: Oi, that's Valerie, you could try her but I don't think you could land a shot with that player.
by rrrozes August 5, 2022
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A woman who is very gorgeous and likes to make things fun, BUT to be warned, she will make sure she leave a impression on you or blast you down.

She is a fun friend however she will give you hard time, you have to break through it!
by qwertyma April 10, 2022
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Valerie is a girl that has amazing music taste and movie taste. Many people look up to her and probably even steal her music because of how good it is. She is incredibly beautiful and cute.
Valerie has incredible taste in music !!!
by Dill Doe Man July 14, 2022
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A valerie tends to be the short friend in the group. All though she seems mean she does have a soft spot but only shows it if she really trusts you. Valeries type of boys are the trouble makers and the f boys. A valerie also has an okay personality but I’d very crazy.
Valerie is short
by I like iwjsjdie March 2, 2020
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