A country where an orange fucktard rules. Filled with fat bastards and racist assholes.
There are two types of people in the United States : Type 1 and Type 2.
(diabetes joke)
by CrackaNutđź‘Ś June 18, 2017
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A Trump-infested blight of a nation filled with arrogant douchebags.
Person 1: If you don't like the United States, why don't you leave?
Person 2: Because I don't want to be a victim of the United States foreign policy.
by One Angry Brazilian February 22, 2018
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The future name of the combined North and South Korea after USA President Donald Trump has his morning covfefe.
Future Kindergarten Teacher: "A long long time ago, The United States of Korea was called 'North Korea and South Korea'."
by Kahdlibber October 14, 2017
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Suburban areas where the predominance of malls and chain stores have so homogenized the landscape that there are few remaining external clues where you are. The result of spending any length of time in such areas is a "generic" experience of America, i.e., an experience that is identical whether you are in Texas, Massachusetts, Ohio, or California. May also include extensive housing developments characterized by tract housing or, worse, McMansions.
Every "mom-and-pop" shop that had given the area its charm and character had been replaced by a Walmart, a Payless, a McDonalds, or a Starbucks -- transforming what was once a delightful town into just another corner of the United States of Generica.
by Thomas L. Robinson August 12, 2006
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A refined 1950s person’s way of saying “Up your ass!” without anyone really understanding it.
My petite blonde bombshell mother would put her hands on her hips in that challenging but white bread snooty manner of hers and confidently state to someone who had pissed her off, “Upper United States, buddy!” and of course she’d already taught me the subtle secret decoding of this cryptic insult which was to just imagine she was saying this in a lame American’s idea of an Italian accent and the United States is really U-S, as in “uppa you ess!”
by Dr Bunnygirl July 5, 2020
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