Trent is wired they call him the masterbater his crush is ms. Morgan the music teacher. and he shits dildos and watches lesbian hentai on the daily
I just stepped in Trenton
by ur_momm¥3 October 7, 2018
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Full of himself, very selfish, and is a horn dog🤢
Who’s Trenton?
Sum horn dog.
by Mostlymakayla❤️ April 4, 2020
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1: hey what are you?

2: a Trenton.
1:a suicide bomber?
by Healer4life November 13, 2019
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one tuff city where you either rap, sling rock or got a mean jump shot. Not as hard as camden, but tuffer than Newark.

Where white kids get scared and old people get robbed, there is no place like trenton, NJ
yo, do not take me to trenton!
by EEC4 November 28, 2005
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A Trenton is a person that is a sex machine. There is only one kind of Trenton.A popular, athletic, sexy, love machine, pussy magnet. And a Trenton dick is so big, it is more than likely known as a cockzilla!
Guy 1:Dude, have you seen Liz today?

Guy 2:No, why?

Guy 3:She's walking like a penguin, Trenton must've gotten a hold of her!

Guy 4:Jesus Christ!!!!, Poor girl...
Trenton dick is huge and heavey
by I like it like who November 20, 2016
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A guy who easily falls for people and never learns from his mistakes.
no s*** trenton leaaarn.
by TheMercifulSword December 3, 2016
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