This is the result caused when a man has not ejaculated in over 24hrs. As he tries to hold back his batch during intercourse or masterbation, the sunami brewing in his sack is so thick and rich it feels like butter is churning in his balls. Upon release, unloaded like a strike of rolling lightning, the man cannot help but let out the loudest groan which sounds like thunder when combined with the banging of furniture when someone hears it from another room or outside.
I've been stuck with the kids all week so last night when me and my girl were finally alone, I pounced that pussy like Zeus in a lightning storm and unloaded my thunder butter deep in her pussy, so loud the neighbors thought it was storming outside and she wanted to change her name to Jezebel after enough cum from a gang bang dripped out of her pussy. There was enough to make toast for the whole neighborhood.

That guy needs to get laid more. My wife is getting excited every time she hears the neighbor release his thunder butter.
by Sean Day Lou Swahili Swag September 4, 2016
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Pretty much the deadliest alcoholic beverage you could ever intake.

All you have to do is take two things that taste bad, mix them, and drink.

It's a quick way to get drunk.
You guys are all so hammered already. I guess I'm gonna have to Switchblade and Thunder this bitch.
by Tommy Vancouver August 24, 2009
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A drink that is half tap water and half the cheapest vodka you can find.
I ordered 4 slovak thunders for my friends because I only had $4 in my wallet.
by STKazaam October 28, 2013
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A free MMO tank and plane game, which by some supernatural phenomenon can run on a potato pc but still have good graphics. Also, there is a large amount of Pay to Grind and Russian Bias. Nevertheless, it's still a fun game to play.
WOT fan: Ooh world of tanks is best game!
Me, an intellectual: Play War Thunder child.
by RECKOCHET June 14, 2018
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This is the spoon you use when you have seriously filled the toilet, and you know there is no way that it will flush!

The thunder spoon can be used to poke the mound into a flushable form or may be used to scoop the offending mound into a bucket allowing one to double flush safely.

Please note a thunder-spoon should NEVER be used for eating!
Annie – pass the thunder-spoon, there’s no way this is gonna flush!”
by Honda919 February 5, 2009
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When shagging a lady with spectacles, quickly pull out stick her glasses on your cock and spunk in her eye (no specific one)
I gave your mum a Thundering Molly last night ;)
by Ace19888888 February 13, 2019
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The sexual noise created when the man's nuts simultaneously 'slap' the receiver's (male or female) ass cheeks.
Man my neighbor was really going at it last night, I could hear the cucumber thunder from across the floor.
by DNW... December 11, 2012
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