When you microwave a honeybun for 1 hour the throw it straight into a homeless man
Hey Dave do you want to go out and ThunderCunt homeless people with me
by Shower_Shiter_Duo November 8, 2023
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When a cunt has a loud queef that lets out a sound of thunder, killing everyone within a 5 mile radius.
Person 2: Wtf? How!
Person 1: My god damn thundercunt!
by thundercunts4ever March 19, 2011
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A vagina that queefs a lot.

(a queef for the uneducated among us is a vagina fart).
Straight after sex the woman may queef a few times in succession making her a thundercunt.
by saaaaan1 November 8, 2012
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-shelby hoffa
-a female who is extremely controlling and uneasy to get alont with..
Matt-dude my ankle hurts like a god damn shelby hoffa thundercunt.
Zach-damn dude that must really, really hurt..
by Weber Zach, Miller Matt August 16, 2011
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Someone who is such a fucking cunt that the word cunt can't even suffice.
The terrorists are a bunch of thundercunts
by Dubiks October 18, 2018
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A woman with an unusually bad temper; a bitch; or a man who unjustly takes out his anger on others. Term thought to be derived from the idea that you can hear a thundercunt coming from far away, whereas a cunt is...well....just a cunt.
"Watch out, here comes that thundercunt!" cunt
by theultimatedestroyer August 27, 2010
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A great void of an abyss which sucks all existence into its gaping maw; hell.

Someone who is a massive cunt.
1. Sieg is such a massive thundercunt; whenever he opens his mouth lightning and thunder come out.

2. That thundercunt sucked up all the food in the house, now what am I supposed to do?
by pseudowang May 28, 2013
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