When the camel toe is so large that it has its own camel toe. Usually occuring on very large, fat and veloptuous women.
"Hey I can see your camel toe's toe"
"What? Im not that fat!"
by John Trian July 27, 2006
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The most annoying person you know- someone who is constantly butting into your business and doesn't even need to say anything to make you really bugged off.
"Shelby-Lynn is such a toe. I don't even want to look at her!" "Same, man."
by scrabblemaster3000 January 14, 2017
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Something ugly that cannibals use to stir their tea
“I used a toe to stir my coffee, black as my soul,”
by BigfootAlberto August 6, 2019
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whens some poop on ones face n licks it up with a vaccum n then takes it from the vaccum eats it then poops it out n the cycle starts again
by TheUrbanDictionary101 May 30, 2011
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One of those short, finger-like things at the very end of the foot. The short ones are quite useless, although some of the longer ones can be quite dextrous.
Look, I can write with my toes.
by anonymous November 10, 2003
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male version of camel toe

when a man wears tight pants, usually jeans, it looks like there is a toe in his pants. usually down the either leg, but can also occasionally be found going sideways. straight down doesnt usually work due to the tightness of the pants pushing the toe to the left or right.
most often found on dirty old men who pull it
'gad damn jesus mary and joseph! look at the toe on that!'
by fluffy scrotum June 15, 2004
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