The 1977 ABC miniseries. Set white people back 50 years
Have you seen roots? That's going to set us back...
by TheNerd June 8, 2005
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Capital steeze. The best. Sick. Sweet. Awesome.
Patrice Bergeron is rooted.

He’s sooooo rooted bro.
by aveeeeeeeeeeeeee May 21, 2022
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Adjective describing an impactful, foundational event required for a collaborative team to do its best work.
- Wungki Park
This was a rootful discussion; we now have all the information and vision we need to succeed.
by ZenoTheTurtle July 9, 2019
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Root in Ireland is often used to mean kick often in a sporting context.
'He rooted the ball as far as he could' or 'he gave him an awful root up the hole when the ref wasn't looking.'
by murty78 February 2, 2012
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" I thought Helen would maybe let me slip in just the tip, but she grabbed my balls and yelled...put it to the root!.."
by Billy Goddamn Willis April 7, 2021
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The ethnic historical significance of any event which occurs - normally this is related to phrases such as: pared, boyed, murked, failed - however, this is with respect to a

'Neo Third World' perspective on the matter at hand.
boy1: Excuse me miss, may I say you look lovely and it would be great if I could have your number.

girl1: Pass your phone, Im not sure what my number is but I’ll try.

girl2: This man is a joke, (turns and whispers to girl one) just jack this toff and leave.
girl1: I gtg soz bi
boy1: oh my, that has left me feeling down

stranger: Boyed!

boy1: Oh no they left with my phone

stranger2: Boyed again!
boy1: That was a present for passing my a levels at eton
stranger3: roots
by TheoreticalTerrorist November 30, 2010
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