v. The act of leaving a place rapidly trying not to leave a trace
Man the cops are here! We gotta ghost!
by Jklub! August 12, 2011
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To take a hit off a joint, bong, pipe, etc. and hold it in so long that when you go to exhale no smoke comes out. Doing this a lot during a sesion w/ big hits is bound to get you stoned off your ass.
I ripped my bong and held it in so long that I ended up ghosting that shit.
by Fuzzman June 28, 2007
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v. to ghost.

following behind someone without being detected. usually provides endless laughs. game invented by hamish and andy 2008.
"ghost him"
"that game of ghosting was fun yesterday"
by alpedo May 23, 2008
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a nic you use on a message board that is different from the nic you usually use.
Your main nic is RudyKnowsBest but sometimes you post as NickDaGhost
by survivorsucks May 24, 2009
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Ghosted is when you and a female fuck them cum everywhere

For example the bed sheets ,the wall,the pillows ,etc.
Guy:its coming im gonna cum!!
Girl: cum on me!!
Guy: *cums everywhere including her*
Girl: oh my lord you cummed everywhere!!!

Ghosted:cumming everywhere
by Aye_that_guy_:)))) April 2, 2017
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