Bugle is a type of crisp that is found in the UK and is shaped to a cone. This word can often be used as an insult towards people with triangular shaped heads.
by Daddydaniel69 September 14, 2021
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when someone really really grinds your gears.
oh shove off you bugle!!!!’
by scraz and jaz April 15, 2021
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Fellatio that is begun on a sleeping male’s member first thing in the morning, bringing him from asleep and flaccid to awake and erect.
“I woke up Sunday morning, and this girl I picked up from the band camp the night before was already sucking my cock!”

“Dude, she was giving you a Bugle Call!”
by Hank C September 19, 2020
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West coast Scots vernacular to describe being drunk to the point of not being able to drink anymore.

Extremely inebriated.
"Aye man you shoulda seen the nick 'a that cunt Davey the other night"


"Aye, cunt was tae the bugle"
by lesbaaaaaa August 5, 2021
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A drug bugle is a device for intaking drugs. You put drugs in the open end of the bugle and blow it in someones face.
"Hey man, pass the drug bugle"

"You wanna bugle up this bitch?"
by Fibwick May 11, 2020
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To perform oral sex on somone whilst inserting your finger/fingers in their anus
Hooli gave me a wicked muted bugle the other night
by Jason Moran March 7, 2008
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